New-found appreciation for kleenex / Cabin fever settles in

So it’s been a couple weeks since I last posted and for pretty much a whole week I was down with the worst cold, ever!  I hadn’t gotten sick in like 2 years and that includes a year working in a high school aka germ central so it was pretty crappy.  Made infinitely crappier by not having any cold meds or Kleenex.  Who knew that tissue was such a luxury; I will never take soft, soothing, wonderful tissue for granted again!  To all you people out there that have Kleenex around, you give that little box the appreciation it deserves.  (I’m also desperately missing good bread that isn’t sweet, lettuce, bagels… and drive-thru fast food but that’s a whole other thing.)

sometimes you go out at night to the kitchen, and there’s a goat tied to it. why not, i guess.
matoke on a bike in Kyabugimbi

At work, I’ve been revising the guide for implementing community emergency transport plans so we’ll see how that rolls out soon. I also ended up with the responsibility of developing the guidelines for an annual Healthy Homes Competitions which aims to promote hygiene and sanitation, the improvement of living conditions at the household level, and raise awareness about measures that can save the lives of children under the age of five.  It’s going to be a pretty extensive and intense process with components for Model Homes, Model VHTS and a Model Village for the district.  It’s supposed to roll out mid-July but I think the likelihood of that happening is pretty low… Hopefully I’ll get to see how at least some of it carries out though!  Not sure how good of a competition developer I am.

a while ago we were invited to a wedding. turned out it wasn’t an actual wedding but an introduction/going away party, but i just like thinking that I’ve been to a proper Uganda wedding.

Otherwise, I am suuuuper excited for my other half to come visit me in 2 weeks!  We’ll be off for a road trip and it couldn’t come at a better time as I’ve been feeling extra stressed with work in addition to cabin fever-y lately.  While I don’t mind that there’s really nothing here in Bushenyi, what I do mind is that to to get anywhere else, the transport is the biggest pain in the ass ever.  A taxi, basically a normal small car, would be perfectly ok except they always try and cram like 9 or more people in.  Clown car style.  I dunno, sitting on top of/under people in an enclosed space is not exactly my idea of fun.  And when there’s only a few people in the car you can expect to go looping around for way too long to find more passengers.  And so, I often opt to just stay put and then now I myself am going a bit looooopy!  I say this because I was totally gearing myself up to go to the next town over to get some groceries but just thinking about the effort has totally demotivated me and I’ll probably just try and scavenge around here now instead.  Holiday time cannot come soon enough!

i’m starving at the moment and must go find food. but no worries, i won’t lose weight cus mountains of chips fried over open flames are a staple in my diet.

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